AL Hudhud Privacy Policy


Last Updated: July 26, 2023


We care about your privacy and are committed to protecting your personal data. This policy aims to explain how we collect and use your personal data and outlines the terms of use for the application.

Please note that by using the AL Hudhud application, you agree to this policy and the terms


Collecting Your Personal Data When Using the AL Hudhud Application:

We may ask you to provide some personal information that helps us improve your experience while using the application and provide suitable services. These may include the following information:


Account Information: We may request you to create an account using your email and password to access the application and utilize all its features and services.

Payment Information: When you choose to subscribe or make purchases of physical books from our online store, we may need to collect certain payment information to process the transaction.


Usage Information: We automatically collect usage data when you use the application, such as the books you read, listen to, the videos you watch, and the duration of your use of the application.


Contact Information: This refers to the data that users may be asked to provide to receive updates and notifications related to the application. Typically, this includes the user’s email address. The purpose of collecting this information is to enable the application to communicate with users and send important messages or notifications about the application, such as:

  • Updates: When developers update the application and add new features or fix errors, they can send updates via email to inform users of the new improvements.
  • Important Notifications: Contact information may be used to send important notifications to users, such as changes in privacy policies or terms and conditions.
  • Surveys: Developers may conduct surveys to inquire about users’ opinions on the application and their satisfaction with the provided services.
  • Marketing and Promotions: Developers may use contact information to send promotional offers or marketing messages to users in order to attract them to subscribe to additional services or make purchases of products.


Using Your Personal Data:

We use your personal data to provide appropriate services and content to you and to enhance your experience while using the application. Personal data includes (Account Information, Usage Information, and Contact Information) as explained above.


We may use your personal data for the following purposes:


Service Provision: We use your personal data to provide reading, listening, viewing, and subscription activation services.

Account Management: We use your personal data to manage your account and provide application features to you.

Payment Processing: We use your payment information to process payments and activate subscriptions.

Service Improvement: We use usage data to analyze how you use the application and improve your experience by providing better content.

Customer Support: We use contact information to respond to your inquiries and provide necessary support.


Protecting Your Privacy:

We are committed to protecting your privacy and taking necessary security measures to protect your personal data from unauthorized access, use, alteration, or disclosure. Nevertheless, you should exercise caution when dealing with the internet as well and maintain the confidentiality of your account login information.


Sharing Your Personal Data:

We are committed to not selling or sharing your personal data with any third party.


Deleting Your Personal Data:

In the AL Hudhud application, you have the right to delete your personal data or request our assistance in deleting the personal data we have collected from you.


If you decide to delete your personal data from our records, you can do so through the personal account settings in the application if you have a registered account.


If you wish to exercise this right or any of your rights, or if you want to learn more about your rights, you can contact us via email.


However, please note that there may be some data that we retain based on legal obligations or for other legal purposes such as compliance with applicable laws, dispute resolution, and enforcement of legal agreements and policies.



Terms and Conditions:

When using the AL Hudhud application, you must adhere to the following terms and conditions:


Personal Use:

The service and content are provided for personal use only and may not be used for commercial purposes, distribution, or sale.



A subscription allows you to fully access and utilize books, audio content, and animated videos throughout the duration of your subscription.

The subscription is automatically renewed, and you will be notified 24 hours before the subscription’s expiration.

You can cancel your subscription at any time during its active period.


Intellectual Property Rights:

All intellectual property rights for the content provided in the application belong to AL Hudhud application or the parties sharing it, and it may not be used, copied, or distributed without written permission.


Application Updates:

We may periodically update the application to improve it and provide additional features and services.


Privacy Policy Updates:

We reserve the right to update the privacy policy and terms of use from time to time, and will inform you of any significant changes through email or application notifications.

We recommend that you regularly review the privacy policy and terms of use.



If you have any questions regarding the privacy policy, you can reach out to us:



Visit our official website:

Phone number: +971 4 295 2929


We appreciate your trust in us and assure you of the protection of your personal data and your privacy to the fullest extent.

Thank you for using the ALHudhud application